Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Big Grassland

The world and critics will say "The pastures on the opposite side are greener, lusher and nicer or simply, the grass is always greener on the other side."

I thought hard about it and I'll say "No, I prefer my current patch of grass, and in my opinion, looking at my own life, I daresay the grass is NOT greener on the opposite side."

As I was reminded today, God's favour is always upon those who's hearts and lives are loyal and fully committed to him. Yet many a times, I tend to ask God things like how come I don't seem to have God's favour etc. I was once again reminded today that hey, due to our own limited knowledge and perspective, what we comprehend as God's favour or God's apparent lack of favour may not be God's favour as a whole. Instead of whining, complaining or even being emotional, I want to instead take the reverse approach.

Look at the things around and about me, and give thanks. An increase in faith, not to be locked in the natural but to be focused on the supernatural.

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