It was an AMAZING conference, one which entailed many emotions, a shift in responsibilities but most importantly, a breakthrough in my relationship with God. I believe that in this short 2 days, God did a new work in my heart; he broke and demanded my heart in the way that only he can and offered me a new one, a fresh heart. Through the mixed array of emotions that I went through, from the indescribable joy to thee uncontrollable tears on occasions, I believed God showed me just a slight part of his heart for people, just a bit of his compassion and his love for people.
The Bible says that we should guard our heart, because it is the wellspring of life. And so I pray that although I may just have witnessed God's perspective of the world for a short momentary moment; his love and compassion that cries out to his people that simply because of the fact that we are all sinners (like it or not) and simply because sin has caused us all to fall short of the perfect standard of God, help me to remember I need more and more of God in my life. To put on God's lenses and view the world.
"I just want to serve.."
Theses was something that struck me deeply. It's not about what i can accomplish for God, but it's about what God can accomplish through me if I offer up everything that I have; just like the small boy in the Bible that offered up his five loaves and two fishes to God. He didn't have much, but God multiplied his willingness to feed the multitudes. Or the poor widow in the Bible, who gave just like how the rich gave, but she gave her all. Her two small coins, probably insignificant mattered in God's eyes.
A promise I made to God, that I'll do everything possible to advance his kingdom, that the victory that was won by the sacrifice of one, will continue to multiply and multiply and multiply, winning the souls of man one by one till the day Jesus returns.
There'll be joy and there'll be tears, but I would rather walk though the gates of Heaven. badly bruised and exhausted spiritually then to walk through knowing that I didn't do my best when I was on earth.
5 Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. 6 He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.
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