Friday, May 1, 2009

What's Your Take?

I seem to be forever sleepy whether I'm in camp or I'm out of camp. So much for 7 hours of undisturbed rest.

I asked myself this question in camp recently "Has my spiritual life been going well over this past few weeks?" The first and natural answer would definitely be yes. That was indeed my answer. After all, I had been spending regular time with God, praying and even journalling consistently and regularly.

How wrong I was. I had totally missed the point. A consistent reading of the Bible, daily prayer or even daily journalling does not determine how well a person is doing spiritually. Don't get me wrong, all this actions are perfectly great, they are definite essentials if one wants to experience God to the fullest. However, all this essentials merely empowers one to enter into God's presence.

"Have I grown in love for God and for people?" If I haven't been able to love people and most importantly love God more, then my spiritual life definitely has not been going well. If I fail to love, then no matter what I do, I haven't grown much.

Break my heart for what breaks yours.

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