Sunday, June 28, 2009

Well Said

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

3 things I cannot care less about. 3 things that I need to value above all.

A new mindset. Gogogo.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

All In You

In you, I find my peace. In you, I find the refreshment that I desire.

In you I find my everything.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shout out loud!

Two words that I have been experiencing the true meaning of over the past few weeks or perhaps months. Trying and Training.

This person is particularly irritating and yet you want me to meet him up, love
him and spread the gospel to him?
I already have so much to do and yet you're asking me to come for caregroup/service
or meet up people.
I am tired and super emotional right now. I don't feel like doing anything.

But because Jesus would, I'll try to be like him and do what he would do.

These are examples of real life situations or statements that are privately tell God or myself. And they are pretty frequent too. I've come to realise that it's pretty tough trying to do or accomplish something for God if we let the word TRY remain in our vocabulary as we serve God. The word try serves as an excuse, more often then not for me to give up on things. "I've already tried and I don't think I can take it anymore. It's really emotionally and physically draining (sometimes it really is tiring -.- lol)"

Ever participated in a competition, be it a sports related one for the physically outgoing, or for the intellectual and arts based people, a competition? Recall the moments and times leading up to the competition/contest where you put in every single ounce of energy and brain power that your body or brain can muster all for the sake of victory? Recall the times when training was not easy, when you ended up with wounds all over, going to school and falling asleep because you were too tired or even the times when you almost went near to a breakdown due to stress because certain things in the midst of training were not going your way. Recalling all this, the word TRAINING is indeed intimidating.

Yet, as I was reminded on a faithful afternoon in camp, the Bible commands us, his children, to undergo strict training.

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

Replacing the word try with train, "But because Jesus would, I'll train to be like him and do what he would do." When I replace the word try with train, I find that I have less excuses to give myself. Whenever I feel tired, drained or perhaps even emotional, I am reminded by God that that is exactly what training is all about. When have you ever trained for something and tough times are absent?! Of course training isn't all about going through hardships and challenges, you don't get hurt, tired and emotional all the time! Savour the good times, when you see growth and you hit the goals or accomplish the task that you want to do for God. Perspective is probably the key word here. Seeing and comprehending the value of what you are doing will determine the amount of effort one puts into doing things. If I love God, I need to recognize that the things of the kingdom take priority over all else and I will put in my best effort to train for the final outcome; a crown that will last forever.

Personally, I need to grow a lot in love. Undergoing training would mean I need to learn to love people with the right kind of love, in the right way, with the right degree of love at the right timing. I won't try to love people, but I'll set apart my life to train and to learn how to love, even in the midst of tough times.

Above all, I was reminded of the most crucial fact, that one may replace the word try with train and do all things with the best effort. However, that does not exempt one from failure. Man are weak and definitely fallible. But one thing is for certain, God will save the day. Even with victory, recognize that it is ultimately all about God's grace and not one's personal effort.

Something I didn't deserve. Grace.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

An Addiction

"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Say no to being an approval addict.